Tage Andersen

    Jag kan ibland tycka att Tage Andersens prylar är lite på gränsen, nästan lite skräckigt fula, men butiken i Köpenhamn är jättehäftig. Det en blomsterbutik och utställning samtidigt, det kostar nämligen inträde att gå in. Men det är det värt för här finns det lite annorlunda och basic råa med rostiga urnor, ägg och stjärnor. Blandat med udda blommor och fåglar som struttar omkring. På den lilla innergården dignar rostiga krukor med enorma Kamelior blandat med fat med maffiga stora grenar och kvistar i olika former. Man får en overklig känsla av att vara med i någon fantasy film. Bilderna nedan är tagna från utsidan för naturligtvis hade butiken fotoförbud.

    Tage Andersen har köpt en gård utanför Jönköping, Gunillaberg, som ska vara öppen för visning den här sommaren. Är du intresserad av att besöka den, läs mer på hemsidan.

    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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Normann Copenhagen

    En höjdare bland inredningsbutikerna i Köpenhamn är Normann Copenhagen. En stor och härlig butik med det senaste inom inredning. Dessutom ofta lite annorlunda presenterat och de har även en del med kläder. Butiken ligger något off, en bit från Ströget alltså, men väl värd en omväg. Bilderna är mina egna.

    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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    La empresa italiana Da Llagnese, desarrolla un nuevo concepto en dormitorios modernos.

    Todas las lineas de Da llagnese son dormitorios importantes y para grandes espacios, son dormitorios modernos y funcionales sin olvidar los clasico y tradicional.


    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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    Los grupos de cuadros son un clasico en las decoraciones modernas y contemporaneas.
    Hay muchas recetas que podemos utilizar en exceso, sin temor a equivocarnos, y que armonizaran acertadamente con el resto de las composiciones.

    La idea moderna va desde los grupos geometricos sumamente ordenados y con un ritmo adecuado, hasta los grupos heterogeneos en su colocacion como en sus marcos.

    Lo que esta totalmente negado en el minimalismo, es la colocacion en escalera, la colocacion en triangulos, o en circulos.


    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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    This week I received the Happy 101 Award from the lovely Victoria of the Art House Design blog!


    She wrote me that my blog makes her happy every time she comes over! Isn’t that wonderful to hear?!

    Victoria, you make me so HAPPY with this! I appreciate it a lot! Thank you so much!!!

    For those who do not know Victoria’s beautiful and inspirational blog, please click on the header of her blog.


    So Victoria asked me to tell about 10 things that make me happy.

    Here I go!

    1/My family : my husband Jan and my son Anthony make me happy.


    I love raising my son into a good and respectful young man. He is 14 years old now and I know that time is going on so fast and that he is growing up so fast. I have to enjoy every moment with him!


    My husband supports me in everything I do and together, we are managing our business in the best way possible.

    Watching my husband being happy with his grandchildren makes me happy!

    2/ Family reunions : I so love gathering with our family. Especially when Nele (my husband’s daughter) and her husband  

                                               with the 2 grandchildren come to visit us.

    11 My husband and his daughter with the grandchildren Alexa and Tristan.


    I especially love summer reunions. Here a family reunion at my sisters last summer.

    3/ Flowers : I really love flowers and love to decorate with these beauties.

    7This is a rambler rose, named Kir Royal, at the back of our house.


    I can’t imagine living without flowers! Every week I bring fresh flowers to decorate my home.

    4/Decorating : it is a way of destressing to me.


    Sometimes it happens that I decorate and redo that same corner twice a week. I can’t help!

    5/Inviting friends : to prepare a good meal (I have to admit that my husband is the best cook at home.) and setting the table for

                                             friends and guests is making me happy.



    My private cook!

    6/France : going to France is making me so happy.

                          A city trip to Paris,  spending our holiday at the south of France, visiting the wine castles at Bordeaux,

                         a search for antiques at Isle-sur-la-Sorgue,….. I adore the French way of living. It makes me happy!


    3 A few years ago at the Ritz in Paris.


    A view from Eze Village on the Mediterranean Sea, I took 2 years ago.


    Me in one of the antiques shops at Isle-sur-la-Sorgue.


    7/ Castles : I love visiting castles. In Belgium there are a lot of beautiful castles to visit. Lucky me!

                            The interiors of them give me inspiration for my job!

                        17 The Castle of Beloeil.

    8/Satisfied clients : one of the very important things in my life that really makes me happy and that gives me satisfaction!


    9/ Reading books and magazines : mostly related to my job.


    13                                     It is relaxing reading a book or a magazine, in the evening, after a busy day of work.

    10/ Blogging : It makes me so happy that I met all these wonderful people through blogging!!! Some of them became

                                  very good friends! I am so thankful for that.


    This is my home office, where I also spend a lot of time blogging.


    So now it is my turn to tag 10 other bloggers with this HAPPY 101 Award !

    I would love to hear from them the 10 things that make them happy.

    1. Miss Baptista

    2. Oakview Cottage

    3. Malvini Puur

    4. Toile de Jouy

    5. Holding Court

    6. French Kissed

    7. Trouvais

    8. Splendid Willow

    9. Desde my Ventana

    10. Céline Chollet Aquarelles


    Have a wonderful weekend!



    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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    Muestra de aticos autenticos y muy interesantes, originales en su composicion, aprovechados en su maxima expresion.

    Los aticos son espacios sumamente aprovechables a la hora de diseñar espacios en la vivienda, un sitio que en algunos paises de Mundo no suelen aprovecharse como espacios funcionales principales de una vivienda.


    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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Rustic House in Spain

    Friday takes us to Málaga in Spain to have a look at this 50 m2 guest house which belongs to an English family. Arches, beams, iron cast doors and lots of wood give it a warm rustic feel. Wouldn't mind being a guest here at all! And, if this is just the guest house then I'd love to see the main house as well!
    Have a great weekend and I'll be here with you tomorrow.






    I'm linking up this post at Leah's Toot Your Horn party. As always, thanks for hosting Leah!

    All images from Casa Diez.Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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The Royal Café

    The Royal Café i Köpenhamn sägs vara ett av världens vackraste café. Har för mig (något osäkert) att det är Wallpaper som skrivit så. Hur som helst så är det i alla fall ett otroligt annorlunda och vackert café som tillämpar 'product placement' dvs här visas även de danska kända varumärkena Royal Copenhagen, Georg Jensen, Fritz Hansen, Bang & Olofusen, Kvadrat, Carlsberg, Holmegaard mf l. Man får känslan av ett gammalt anrikt café som funnits i decennier, men det är inte gammalt alls, det öppnades faktiskt 2007. Bilderna är mina egna.

    Hela min lista på bra shopping i Köpenhamn hittar du här.

    Source URL: http://interiordesignblogz.blogspot.com/2010/04/
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