The Skirted Roundtable – New This Week!


    image A room designed by interior great Charles Faudree.  What would you imagine a room like this would cost?   Myself, I would put it at close to a quarter to half a million dollars!  What is your guess?


    This week The Skirted Roundtable discusses the true costs involved with hiring interior designers – how much do rooms REALLY cost?  Hear the three of us talk about how we deal with budgets and today’s high price of furniture, labor, and fabric.   Go here to listen.



    imageThe original living room – designed by Madeline Stuart for the rock star’s first house.  Two coffee tables again, but the second one is much more in scale with the root table and the look “works” here.   The gold table goes with the gold sofa, the dark wood table is paired with the same dark sofa – though in the new living room, it’s the other way around and the two tables are too desperate in size to make any design sense.   The same sconces look in scale to this painting that is, again, perfectly in scale to the mantel.   This room was designed by a pro and it shows – it looks thoughtful and deliberate, not edgy just to be edgy.



    The Skirted Roundtable's Design blogging topic this week revolves around criticism on blogs – how is the right way to criticize, or IS there a right way?  The topic came up after the huge reader response to the Two Coffee Tables living room post last weekend on Cote de Texas.    To listen, please go here.

    As always – thank you for your continued support for The Skirted Roundtable.  We appreciate all the feedback, the comments and emails, and we are looking forward to welcoming several very exciting, VIP guest hosts in the upcoming weeks!

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